you have more or less stumbled on this article because you updated your IT Residence WordPress Theme installation and just after the update, your site seems to have lost its settings. It would majorly affect those users who have set the Property Listings template as their front page. In this article, I’ll show you how to fix (remake in this case) the home page.
Why did issue occur?
The theme was updated to support the Block Editor and has moved away from the traditional sections created and maintained using the Customizer. Some of the limitations the customizer had were-
Not modular
The home page sections that were developed using Customizer were not modular by nature. They had to be in a fixed order along with having fixed width.
Resource Intensive
Earlier, the Sections were defined as functions and their styles and scripts were loading along with them irrespective of whether they are being used on the page or not. This makes them quite resource intensive and